The Austrian - 2023 V-09 I-01

The Austrian is the flagship physical print publication of the Mises Institute. Each issue features provocative articles by cutting-edge laissez-faire and Austrian thinkers, plus interviews with economists, historians, and other scholars producing new research in the fight for freedom, peace, and free markets. Also included are book reviews by David Gordon, Institute news, and additional commentary by guest writers. It is published six times a year and replaces The Free Market (1983–2013).

The inaugural issue, Volume 1

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Jeff Deist Edward Chancellor

Jeff and Edward Chancellor discuss The Price of Time and delve into the all-important topic of market-set interest rates as an important indicator of a healthy society, and why manipulating them is so harmful. The current system isn't working, so what can be done?

Jeff Deist

We want stuff now, we want happiness now, we want that vacation or car or trinket now. This is simple human nature. But we also have the capacity to plan and prepare for the future. This innate human desire to improve our material circumstances in the future is the driver of all economic growth.

Jeff Deist

Does cheap money and credit make us richer? Does more money and credit create more stuff, or better stuff? Do they make us happier and more productive? Or do these twin forces actually distort the economy, misallocate resources, and degrade us as people? These are the fundamental questions that Jeff addresses.