Mises Wire

Book Review: Rothbard’s Making Economic Sense

Murray Rothbard

Ben Kramer-Miller writes at Seeking Alpha:


  • A series of newsletter articles and shorter essays designed for the layperson interested in libertarian ideas and free market thought.
  • The book is highly entertaining and extremely accessible to people of all backgrounds.
  • Rothbard’s bluntness is appreciated in our sanitized, “PC” collective consciousness.

*Note that this book has been made available for free by the Mises Institute. You can find it here.

Those who are looking for an introduction to Rothbard’s work and Austrian economics more generally should probably look at What Has Government Done To Our Money (also available at the Mises Institute) and discussed by yours truly here. But those who are interested in an informal, layman’s explanation of various economic (and political/social) phenomena as well as a work designed to be – in most places – anything but pedantic should consider reading through Making Economic Sense.

Read the full article.

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