Mises Wire

Economics or indoctrination

Economics or indoctrination

The results are in for the first ever National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test in economics -- the feds consider the NAEP to be the “nation’s report card.” Supposedly, the results show that American public school students have achieved a high level of academic progress in economics by 12th grade.

Read the sample question below (correct answer is A according to the report) to see if the feds are testing knowledge of economics or compliance with statist designs.

Sample question:

Country X and Country Y have similar populations and natural resources. Which of the following best explains why Country X would have a higher rate of economic growth than Country Y?

A. Country X invests more in education.

B. Country X imports more consumer goods.

C. Country X places higher taxes on businesses.

D. Country X pays larger salaries to government officials


Of course, “Country X” does not imply acting man. It implies the government that controls all acting men who happen to inhabit the arbitrary geographical boundary defined as Country X by the government of Country X.

This is a simple question used to justify government and its expenditures, nothing else. But, isn’t that the intent of any national exam?

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